Women Pray Foundation
Enabling Women to Pray
Now, suppose a person has enough to live on and notices another believer in need. How can God’s love be in that person if he doesn’t bother to help the other believer? 1 John 3:17-18
What We Do
Women all over the world have needs that may stand in the way of their relationship with God. Most of them really want to serve God but are limited by resources caused by social, economic, and environmental factors. Jesus encourages us to pay attention to the needs of others. Therefore we partner with women organizations to support the needs of women in the developing nations of Africa and Asia.
How we do it
We partner with women groups in churches to support their outreach activities. Every year we give them items that support their quest for economic independence and stability. We support Bible Study and Prayer groups as only God can meet the needs of everyone. We also teach living an abundant life in Christ regardless of their economic state and the hope of everlasting life in Christ when we meet with him in heaven.
How you come in
We are grateful to all our partners from all over the world and we encourage you to join us. You can pray for these women daily as you say your prayers. You can also give a donation of any amount as we receive every donation with thanksgiving. In addition, you can adopt a woman for as long as you want. You may adopt a woman for one year, 5 years, 10 years, or become one of the Sisters Keepers by adopting a woman forever.