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To Pray Every Day.


Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.- Ephesians 6:18

Welcome to Women Pray 


The Bible contains exploits of prayerful women who influenced events in their lives, family, and nation. You can do the same as those words are written as examples for us to follow. Join us today! We empower prayer by sharing and supporting. We also encourage prayers with simple bible based prayer guides. We love to share our testimonies and relate to others through our shared experiences.  



Daily Prayers

Psalm 5:2-3 says "Hear my cry for help,    my King and my God,    for to you I pray. In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice;    in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly."  These and many other verses in the Bible show the importance of daily prayers. Although it refers to the morning hour, we believe prayers can be said at any time of the day. That is why we upload daily prayer on our Facebook and Instagram pages. The prayers will are uploaded monthly to his site.  We encourage you to say these prayers daily and add other prayers God is leading you to pray also. We know that our God answers prayers and yours will be answered too in Jesus' name. 

Monthly Prayers On Zoom

This is a two-hour-long prayer session on selected themes for the month. The session is divided into 30-minutes slots for different ministers to lead prayers. Participants can join to pray the prayers being prayed. You can also send your prayer requests before this time or put them in the chatbox and the minister will pray on them before the end of their session. 

Annual Prayer Conference

This is an all day conference with powerful prayer sessions on the annual prayer theme. More information coming soon!

Doing much more to Enable Daily Prayers

We provide spiritual, emotional, and physical support to women through our Women Pray Foundation. We reach out to women with the aim of alleviating everything that limit their devotion to God and daily prayers.

Weekly Bible Study on YouTube

Every week, we  study the word of God and we provide insightful discussions on the word of God as the lamp to our feet and the light to our path. The understanding of the word helps us to pray in the direction of God's plan towards us. This program features the convener of this ministry and discussions with other women on the topic of the day.

Be Empowered to Pray

Luke 18:1; Mark 13:33; Romans 8:26; Colossians 1:3; Colossians 1:4; Colossians 4:2; 1 Thessalonians 5:17 ; Acts 1:14 ; Jude 1:20 ; Philippians 4:6 ; 1 Timothy 2:1 


The Almighty God wants us to pray and pray continually, however, we often find it hard to pray at times. But with the help of the Holy Spirit, we have the spiritual energy to pray at all time. We also need to be intentional about praying and not limiting our prayers to a place or a time. We can pray anywhere and at anytime.


The following prayer guide will help to revitalize our prayer life:


  • Father God I thank you for the grace to communicate directly with you. I am grateful that you want to me to be in constant communication from you

  • Lord I pray for the grace to pray at all times 

  • Father I pray that I will not loose my drive to take everything to you in prayer

  • I pray for the Holy Spirit to make me alert in the spirit always to that I will always see things from spiritual angle

  • Father, build me up in my most holy faith and help me Lord to pray more in the spirit

  • Father I pray for more energy and grace to pray often. Father please help me to pray and not give up or faint in the name of Jesus

  • Father God I pray for help with every weakness in the way of my prayer life in the name of Jesus

  • Father, I pray that I will be filled with thanksgiving and not only focus on my problems, but I will see God using all my problems to glorify himself in Jesus' name

  • Father please increase my faith, cause my faith to be strong in you and help become deeper in my knowledge and understanding of your word

  • Father make me to become more devoted to prayer time and depending on you for everything in need in the name of Jesus

  • Father in the name of Jesus, I pray that you remove every form of anxiety from me. I will not be anxious over anything in my life, but I will commit all to you in prayer

  • Father help me to pray for all things and all people. I pray that I will not overlook anything or fail to pray about it in the name of Jesus. 

  • I pray for the grace to pray for others and commit my community to the hands of God.

  • I pray that like Esther, Deborah, and Hannah, the Almighty God will enable me to pray and change the course of events in my life, community, and nation in the name of Jesus.

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Women to Pray!

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